I decided to do a refashion this morning before going to my parents' place to puppy-sit for the afternoon. I wanted something comfy to wear, which for me usually means a skirt. When I dug through my refashion closet, I found this.
How d'ye do? |
This is one of those extremely common thrift store items--the little old lady skirt. They're not usually very flattering, but this one was particularly bad. Part of the problem was that this skirt had clearly been crumpled up somewhere for a very long time, and the pockets (yes, it has pockets!) were all bunchy, hence my rather massive hips in this picture. The other problem was this:
Frays for miles! |
The bottom hem of this garment was barely clinging to life--or maybe it had already given up. Either way, it was a mess, but one that I wasn't too worried about. You see, I was going to fix both the little-old-ladiness of this skirt and that bottom hem all in one go.
Bye-bye, frayed edge and awkward length! |
When in doubt, cut it off. Maybe not the best rule for surgeons, but one that seems to work pretty well in the refashioning world. I pinned and stitched a nice wide hem, since I'd left myself plenty of length to work with.
My hem shall not come undone! |
Then I went to town with my iron, because this skirt still had that bunchy-pockets problem going on.
hissss! |
After pressing this skirt back into a wearable shape, I decided I might as well pretty-up for my "after" picture, so I toodled around trying on different shirts and leggings to go with it. Take a look at that awkward skirt now!
fancy shmancy! |
The necklace and lipstick are probably not going to stick around for puppy-sitting, but that skirt certainly will! Changing the length of a skirt or dress is one of my favourite ways to refashion. What's yours?
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